Monster who's totally fine up here, thank you. No, they're not stuck or scared of heights. They're fine. Totally.

Monster who's totally fine up here, thank you. No, they're not stuck or scared of heights. They're fine. Totally.

Something was wrong.

Their domain, so diligently guarded from intruders, so clearly defined by their mark placed on the towering walls that surround it, had been invaded.

It had been subtle at first. Shadows moving on the periphery, only hinting at the horrors that were being kept out of view. From there, it spread: the foul stench of evil creeping over the region, clouding their influence; heinous marks seeping into those regions now locked off from them, making a mockery of their reign.

They should have moved against this vile force earlier, put an end to this perversion before it began, before it took root. Their trusted caretakers, usually so obedient and reverent, the front line of their defence, had failed so utterly. Not simply failed, in fact, but had been corrupted themselves, aiding this sinister being in its assault. This was not a betrayal that would be taken lightly; great penance would be required to regain their trust.

And then, on the fifth day, as the sun was barely beginning to breach the wall, a demon of chaos, of gnashing teeth and trashing limbs, of booming roars and terrifying haste, came bounding from the darkness towards them, with the aura of a creature who would be held back from its pursuit by nothing.

They had to retreat. They took to higher ground, a place where this fiend could not easily reach. Here, they could survey their lands, study this beast, plan their move. They shrieked at the demon, throwing threats and curses with all their might.

The caretakers were arriving, splitting their forces in two between the fiend and them. Perhaps their allegiance had not yet been completely lost. The beast was pushed back, held at bay, though still unrelenting in its hideous noise and flailing limbs. The other half reached them and held out helping hands, imploring them to descend, but that was not going to happen.

"Pspspspspsps. Come on, out the tree Nemo, come on kitty. Pspsps."

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