Screaming to the Void - VIII

Mech Pilot who does not need a Therapist they need hoes.

"So what do ya think of the new girl?"

Nova was sat in her usual spot of the bar: back corner booth, with an eye on the rest of the room. It wasn't really necessary, given that this was still technically a military area, but old habits died hard. She leant back and took a swig of beer.

Across from her, Hex sat motionless, silently staring.

"Oh come on," said Nova, sitting forward again, "if you hate bein' looked at so much, you know how to fix it. I know that helmet's a choice."

"Not a choice," said Hex, with a little more of an edge than usual.

"I've seen your face, Hex."

"Not my therapist."

"Fuck, you need more than therapy," laughed Nova. She relaxed again and took another drink, eyeing Hex over.

Hex did her best to stare her down. On most people, the effect worked, but Nova was used to the blank faceplate. If anything, the eyes underneath it would concern her more.

"When's last time you had sex?" asked Nova. "Go find you some hoes. You sure as fuck ain't spending your pay on anything else."

"Still not my therapist."

"Hell," continued Nova, ignoring her, "you could probably find some techno freaks who'd love to get you off."

"Still deciding."


"New girl. Still deciding."

"Ah, right. Therapy session over, I guess. Well, give me your first impressions then."


"Because as leader of this squad it is my responsibility to ensure a good working relationship between my soldiers."

Hex just stared at her.

"Alright, I'm just curious," said Nova, rolling her eyes.

Hex continued to stare for a moment, before answering, "She hangs around in the hangar. Keeps talking to me. Asked Riz and Lolly about me."

"Hmmm..." said Nova, contemplatively. She tapped her finger on the beer bottle a few times.

"Tell me."

"Nah, it's probably nothing."

"And if it isn't?"

"I'm still deciding too, is all. I don't trust her yet."


"Just keep an eye on her," said Nova. She downed the rest of her beer, then before Hex could say anything else, stood up and said, "Right, I won't make you stay here any longer, let's go. I've got some things to do."

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