Screaming to the Void - VII

Mech Pilot who has never done one of those derelict ship jobs before.

Space missions weren't really Riz's thing.

They weren't really the squad's thing, come to that. Their mechs were designed for planets with significant gravity, and sticking magclamps and a few thrusters on them did little to improve that.

Nova said they needed something easy to get their new squadmate warmed up, but that was bullshit. Ok, not complete bullshit, but despite Nova's unrelenting don't-give-a-shit tone, Riz had long ago learnt how to tell she was hiding something: something changed in her voice, and her near-permanent half-smirk became a little more rigid.

And so, Riz found herself even more on edge than usual as she led the team down a pitch black fucking corridor of a half-destroyed pissing ship.

"Yo Nova, this is gonna take us fucking days — can I break out the fucking saws yet?"

"Great idea, Riz. Just you go rip through the ship and tear right into a weapons bay or some shit."

"I'm not a moron, fuckface; I'll stick to the doors."

"No. Salvage team's comin' in soon as we've given the all clear. Rebellion's starved."

"What's the point of me taking point if I can't actually fucking use my gear? Shit's fucking abandoned, Nova."

Nova just replied with a grunt, and Riz couldn't argue with that.

"Oh fuck you," she said, and let the comms fall silent.

"Eh," said Quinn after a moment, "the bridge should be right above us here. Maybe we could—"

"Oh for fuck— Riz, don't fucking move," said Nova, "Quinn, you gotta learn to think before you speak."

"Sorry, I just thought—"

"Nah, she did good, Nova," said Riz as she spun up her weaponised saw blades and plasma lance. "Let's just get to the fucking bridge and bounce.

"Zip, Riz. Go find a way up. Quinn, got any non-destructive way up?"

"Not for our size," said Quinn. "Not in range."

"Riz, since you're in such a rush, go find a lift shaft," said Nova.

"But Nooovaa—" started Riz.

"Hex, go with."

"Fiiine," said Riz. She released her magclamps and launched herself down the corridor, bouncing and scraping off the walls as she went.

Hex scuttled after her without a word.

"Co— Nova?" said Quinn, once the other two had disappeared around a corner. "Is there something between those two? I didn't expect Riz to give in so easily."

"That, kid," said Nova, "is something I'd keep my beak outta if I was you. Trust me."

"Oh, eh, sure..."

After a pause, Nova asked, "Beaufort said you trained in comms?"

"Yes, I was hoping for communications officer on a scout ship or something."

"Hmm..." said Nova, "Should probably know that went over the all squad channel then. You an asshole or a moron?"

"Both," said Riz, after opening a private channel to Hex. She'd re-engaged her magclamps and gone back to walking once she was out of sight of Nova.

Hex had caught up, and was now following along the ceiling, Cat tucked low above Charlotte.

"Have you talked to her yet?" asked Riz.


"She was asking about you. The other night, in the hangar."

Riz paused, leaving room for Hex to respond, but not expecting a reply. She was used to conversations with Hex; they were often one-sided.

"Think she asked Lols too," she continued.


"You think she's just nosey?"


"Maybe she's a fucking technophile. She asked about us. I mean, if there was an us..."

"Mhmm," grunted Hex opaquely.

"I mean, she's got some augs," rushed out Riz. "Got one of those quickconnects. And she's fresh, and not even a combat pilot. She doesn't fucking need that shit."


"Even I've got more use for one. Think I should get it done? On the prosthetic?"

"Mhmm," said Hex in vague agreement, "non-dominant is better."

"Yeah. Ok. I'll fucking get one. Yeah."

They continued in silence, Riz shuffling words in her head, trying to figure out how to word what she wanted to say.

Before she could, Hex cut in, "Shaft. Left."

"Oh, right. We should hop back to the main channel."

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